
To emoji or not emoji — smiley face etiquette

Geoff Augutis from Queensland Computers ponders one of the big issues of our time — smiley face etiquette and to emoji or not emoji.

Permanently deleting data: where does it all go?

Personal data online is easy to create and hard to delete. Think of it like a tattoo and be sure of your choice before making it.

Pick the top Mayor’s Telstra Innovation Awards idea

During the month of May the public will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite finalist team's innovative idea as part of the Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards.

Find out how to protect personal information online

Queensland’s Office of the Information Commissioner will host an information session in Bundaberg about privacy rights and offer tips on protecting your personal information online.

Businesses help students with innovative ideas

Innovative ideas are flowing steadily as students across the region begin mentoring sessions with businesses as part of the Mayor's Telstra Innovation Awards.

Tech talk: Time has come for online voting

With the Federal Election on 18 May, Bundaberg Now technology writer Geoff Augutis looks at the pros and cons of online voting.

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