In Our Recipe Book with Vikki Foster
Seniors Month was recently celebrated with a Pen and Wash Workshop at the Bundaberg Art Society with the theme of cooking.
Vikki Foster took part in the event with her recipe of fried green tomatoes, which is now included in the Art of Good Food – A Recipe for Connection book.

Tell us what happened during the Pen and Wash Workshop?
We all bought in a recipe that we enjoy, and we are having a little demo on how to create this in pen and wash.
I bought in green tomatoes, and I created the recipe green fried tomatoes.
It is a southern USA recipe and it is delicious.
What made you decide on this recipe?
It’s jazzy, spicy, easy – easy as chips.
Great to share with friends, great to sit around and discuss a tragic day at art!
Why is it important to use local ingredients?
Tomatoes are an abundant crop.
It is wonderful to use them in the different maturity stages and a green tomato that often falls off the bush will just lay there.
So, if you can take it inside and slice it up, fry it up with some spices you are not wasting a valuable crop.
Are you passionate about the environment?
If it’s there you should be using it.
Whether you’re preserving, drying, or just creating a meal you can share with friends.

What’s the best way to use green fried tomatoes?
Green fried tomatoes can be a snack; it can be made into a light meal.
Generally, when you slice you dust with flour, and you have a form of bread crumb mixture and that can be made gluten free of course – you just adjust your recipe.
You crumb and then you pan fry. If you are cunning, you put some spices in the bread mix and it’s a jazzy little meal.
On the side you can have your dipping sauce which can be your own choice.
Did you learn new skills through the Pen and Wash workshop?
Yes, watercolour.
Watercolour is a new medium for myself, and it’s quite interesting to learn a new, challenging medium.
I usually work in pastel or graphite.
It’s fun rocking up and having a session with a variety of artists.
Some are just learners like myself in the watercolour field, and others are professionals and it’s great, you just help each other and have a laugh.
How do you feel about being involved in the recipe book?
To have a recipe book that creates everyone’s favourite recipes and to do a workshop, it is great!
It’s really good and then to share it, whether its online or through a hard copy.
It’s great to see the fruits of your labour.
Check out Vikki’s green fried tomatoes recipe, along with other local recipes, in the Art of Good Food – A Recipe for Connection, by clicking here.