In Our Group with
CLAG - Crafty Ladies Activity Group
Two decades ago a number of women at Burnett Heads formed a group that became known as CLAG, and today they continue to meet weekly to keep each other company and share their interests with one another.

CLAG’s secretary Ruth Reynolds shares the importance of the social aspect and the history of the Crafty Ladies Activity Group.
Tell us about CLAG?
Twenty years ago, several local Burnett Heads ladies formed a group to be a meeting place for any local woman to have a venue to meet, have a cuppa and a chat.
This happened on Tuesday mornings at the local community hall.
These ladies would take their craft items hence the name of CLAG, a shortened version of Crafty Ladies Activity Group.
They very quickly realised that they could also help other volunteer community groups to prosper and continue their work.
This group continues on today.
We still meet on a Tuesday morning at the Community Hall in Zunker Street at 9 am until about noon.
CLAG is a subcommittee of Burnett Heads Progress and Sports Association Inc.
How does the community become involved?
We welcome all ladies from Burnett Heads and the surrounding areas, especially those new to the area.
Some of our ladies start the day with line dancing for an hour guided by Gayle.
Gayle is happy to have beginners as well as more proficient ladies and this is a great way to start the day and get some exercise.
The dancers certainly seem to have a happy time from the laughter and chatter that we hear upstairs.
The older of our members spend the morning upstairs either doing their own craft or helping us by making cards, which are donated for all the clients at Tricare for Mother’s and Father’s Day, or birthday cards for our members.
We also crochet, knit care bears and other goods for the craft table which we have at the monthly hoy and cent sales.
The hall does have a stair lift for those who cannot manage the stairs which is great for our members, some of them over 80 years of age.
What are some of the group’s highlights throughout the year?
The monthly hoy and cent sales are held on the third Sunday of each month in the Community Hall.
These are usually well attended with guests coming from Bundaberg, other areas along the coast.
We also have some who are holidaying in the area.
Any profits that are made are donated back to the community as we still support our local volunteer groups.
During the year we try to have special days for our members, sometimes in the hall and other times we will organise to have lunch out as a group.
For the past few years CLAG has hosted the Biggest Morning Tea with great success.
This year it will be held on Thursday, 1 June at the Community Hall Zunker Street.
This event is always very well attended by our community with close to a hundred or more guests attending.
The CLAG ladies host this on behalf of our local community.