In Our Group with

Childers Visual Arts

Get creative with paint, pastel, pottery and more at the Childers Visual Arts group, as president Ian Glenwright explains how to join.

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Tell us about the Childers Visual Arts Group?

The group has been going approximately 20 years and we currently have 30 members.

There is a variety of arts practices happening each week, there is no actual class just everyone getting together as a group.

Some people do pastels and water colour, its up to the individual.

There is a lot of clay work being done at the moment, acrylics, a vast selection of works being done.

Anyone can join the group, we’ve got an elderly group here but we do have a couple children attend who are home schooled and they love it.

We meet at 10 Hebbards Roads every Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm.

How are you involved in the community?

For every Childers Festival we do Art in the Park on the Saturday and that gets everyone in the community involved.

We get a lot of adults and kids wanting to paint and that’s just part of what we do for the community.

We also do murals and help tidy up buildings with a lick of paint within the Childers area and surrounds.

For example we did the mural for the Apple Tree Creek pub.

What does your club bring to the region?

We’re diverse in a lot of ways and I think anyone that does art is good for any region.

Art is one of those things where anyone can look at it and feel something.

We all see each other as equal and love coming together to feed off one another and help with each other's personal progress.

For information and updates you can out find more on our Facebook Page.

To have your group featured in In Our Group email us at

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