In Our Group with
Bundaberg Poultry Fanciers Club
Bundaberg Poultry Fanciers Club plays an important role in keeping chicken breeds viable.

Publicity officer Greg Chamberlain believes keeping and breeding poultry is a fantastic hobby and he encourages young and old to give it a go.
Tell us about Bundaberg Poultry Fanciers?
Bundaberg Poultry Fanciers Club is a group of people who like poultry - it is as simple as that.
Why is the group important to the Bundaberg Region?
The group is important to not only Bundaberg but to everyone because we help to keep breeds alive, as do all other poultry clubs.
Without poultry enthusiasts, breeds disappear and this reduces the genetic pool to just the commercial varieties.
Without clubs ensuring the continuation of a great range of varieties then we place all our eggs in one basket (dad joke) and are not able to change to the demands of the future.
Poultry can not only supply fresh eggs for the household but also show our kids about the stages of growth, how animals need to be cared for and the natural cycle of life and death.
What’s the history of Bundaberg Poultry Fanciers?
The club has been going for more than 90 years and has had an eventful past.
While one of the main functions is to run a show, this has resulted in many notable events.
The biggest was when it hosted what is believed to be the world’s largest show for old English game birds with over 750 entries.
The other role the club fulfills is to encourage and instruct anyone wanting to learn more about caring for poultry.
This is done both formally in seminars and during meetings as well as providing a knowledge base from the more experienced members, some of whom have been breeding and caring for birds for more than 60 years.
What significant event do you celebrate during the year?
The main event this year will be our annual show in July.
This will be held in conjunction with the Wyandotte Club of Queensland and will be the state show for that breed.
We will have all the other classes as well, so it will be a big day with over 600 birds entered.
It will also be our first annual show where we have a special competition for pet chickens.
This is open to all birds not covered by the Australian standard – that is a flash way to say it’s a backyard chook with a varied heritage.
There will be special prizes for this section as the main show is for birds which are judged by the Australian standard.
How can the community become involved?
We meet at Bonna Road, Branyan every second month and details can be confirmed with Greg on 4157 4021.
We are open to everyone and have members from 16 to 80 years old.
All you need is an interest in poultry.