
First stage to bed down hospital car parks

A multi-million dollar redevelopment of the Friendlies Society Private Hospital could begin soon after a works application was lodged with Council.

Eight weeks of free activities to keep your fitness goals in check

There’s no more excuses when it comes to procrastinating about health and fitness with the start of free, region-wide exercise classes!

27 first-year doctors start their careers in Bundaberg

Twenty-seven junior doctors have begun the next stage of their medical careers at Bundaberg Hospital. The new interns participated in a week-long orientation program to familiarise themselves with the hospital, its services and clinical practice and procedures. They will rotate through...

Mayor’s petition for new hospital passes 1000 signatures

A petition launched by Mayor Jack Dempsey, calling for a new level 5 hospital in Bundaberg, so far has more than 1000 signatures. The petition requests that the Queensland Parliament prioritise funding to build a new hospital. Before the 2017 state...

Move It to the Multiplex to kick your health and fitness goals

If you need motivation to dust off those old runners or pull the bike out from under the cobwebs in the shed, have no fear - the Move It Expo is almost here! Sport, health and fitness will be...

Get out and about on new stretch of pathway

The construction of a new 1.4km stretch of pathway at Baldwin Swamp has now finished, giving walkers, joggers and cyclists an opportunity to explore even more of our beautiful region. The pathway stretches from Steindl St to FE Walker St...

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