

Professor Tech teaches Bundy kids virtual reality tricks

Professor Tech, or CQUniversity's Professor Michael Cowling as he is otherwise known, was at Bundaberg Library to inspire students to get creative with virtual reality technology.

Sleep on the ocean with new Reality Reef Stay

Wake up to the warm waters and beautiful sights of Lady Musgrave Island with Big Cat Reality and its newest venture, the Reality Reef Stay.

Milbi Festival program launched

The program has been released for the inaugural Milbi Festival with a huge range of events and activities to celebrate turtle season and showcase the Bundaberg Region's diverse arts and culture.

4WD club epic journey to centres of Australia

Members of Bundaberg 4WD Club recently completed an 8800km epic month-long adventure to the centres of Australia.

Twilight market to highlight young creators

Since starting mikstitches Mikaela Schneider has had great success in online sales but now she’s excited to test the local appetite at this Friday’s Young Creator’s Market.

Bucca Retreat slide opens for school holidays

The 100-metre Bucca Retreat water slide will be open to the public during school holidays on 21 and 26 September 2019.

Celebrity chef Gary Mehigan promotes Bundaberg

Celebrity Chef Gary Mehigan has given foodies from around the globe a taste of Bundaberg, demonstrating the versatility of macadamia nuts at one of South Africa’s top culinary events.

Bundaberg Municipal Band Gala Concert entertains

The Bundaberg Municipal Band was in perfect tune with a fantastic performance at its annual gala concert on Sunday.

Queenie’s car inspires lifelong passion

As a young boy Chris Sorenson drove past Queenie Hinkler’s De Dion Bouton and dreamed of a day when he could call the car his own.

Little Women starts tonight at Playhouse Theatre

Little Women, based on the book by Louisa May Alcott and performed by Bundaberg Players starts 13 September 2019 at the Playhouse Theatre.

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