Natasha Harth

Natasha Harth
Natasha Harth has worked as a professional photographer for over 20 years. She is now Communications Officer at Bundaberg Regional Council, and enjoys photographing and writing about local arts, community events and environmental projects.

Articles by this author

Latest news

How to: Learn local history during Childers Festival

Hear stories of heartbreak and humour and details of the events which have shaped the Childers community through the Childers Festival's Historical Bus Tour.

Partnership enhances healthcare across Wide Bay

In a move to address increasing healthcare demands, Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service has partnered with the three private hospitals across the region to secure additional beds and reinforce its commitment to quality care.

Nominate Everyday Heroes for QBANK Awards

Bundaberg residents are being encouraged to nominate local front line workers and volunteers for this year's QBANK Everyday Heroes Awards.