Natasha Harth

Natasha Harth
Natasha Harth has worked as a professional photographer for over 20 years. She is now Communications Officer at Bundaberg Regional Council, and enjoys photographing and writing about local arts, community events and environmental projects.

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Latest news

Streets of Remembrance project doubles

Families and descendants of local veterans are voicing their support for Bundaberg Regional Council’s Streets of Remembrance program, which has now identified more than 70 street names to ensure the stories of veterans remain an integral part of the community's heritage.

From Campfire to Stage Light shines at Moncrieff

The Moncrieff Entertainment Centre stage will shine with an extraordinary journey of self-determination as From Campfire to Stage Light comes to Bundaberg this July.

BCC students to present Annie the Musical

The sun will come out at Bundaberg Christian College as students get ready to shine in their performance of Annie when it hits the stage next month.