Natasha Harth

Natasha Harth
Natasha Harth has worked as a professional photographer for over 20 years. She is now Communications Officer at Bundaberg Regional Council, and enjoys photographing and writing about local arts, community events and environmental projects.

Articles by this author

Latest news

Boost for local arts, library programs

Programs which foster literacy and digital skills and support for local arts projects have been given a boost in Bundaberg Regional Council’s budget 2024-25.

Budget investment to waste not, want not

Beneficial reuse and a capital project to ensure reliable and best practice treatment along the region’s coastline has made wastewater one of the highlights of Bundaberg Regional Council’s 2024-25 budget.

Considered approach to big projects

Community, Liveability, Sport and Recreation have been given a boost in Council’s budget in a year that sees three new pools opened and the region’s third consecutive NRL game.