The former Chipmunks play centre on Johanna Boulevard could soon be a Total Tools with a development application recently lodged over the building.
The application is seeking a Material Change of Use for hardware and trade supplies.
The proposed development would occur within the existing development footprint, not requiring any extensions to the building.
The building footprint is just over 909 sq m and covers about 35 per cent of the site.
If approved, Total Tools would employ six to 10 staff, with doors open between 7.30 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 12 pm on Saturdays.
According to the application, the hardware business would expect up to six stock deliveries per day, predominantly in the mornings.
Located within the Kensington industrial area, the application proposes that the new use would complement the location’s zoning.
“Whilst the development does not directly support industry activities, the proposal would be compatible with the existing industrial and commercial uses within the precinct,” the application said.
It also said that the long-term use of the land for industrial purposes would not be compromised because the existing building could be returned to an industry use.
“The proposed development is a natural consequence of the established character of the precinct, the zoning of the land and is a logical development of the site,” the application said.
“The planning scheme sets an expectation that a mix of commercial and industrial activities are supported within the locality.
“… the business would provide some secondary support to industrial uses through the selling of tools.”
The Total Tools application also states the new business would provide a boost to the region.
“The proposal provides a direct public benefit to the regional catchment with respect to economic development and employment.”
The Total Tools Material Change of Use application is currently with Bundaberg Regional Council’s Development Group for assessment.