HomeCommunityVolunteers help out during coronavirus restrictions

Volunteers help out during coronavirus restrictions

National Volunteer Week Phillip Wilk
Childers Arts Space volunteer Phillip Wilk is going “above and beyond” during coronavirus restrictions, doing Meals on Wheels deliveries

While many Council facilities that operate with the help of volunteers are closed during COVID-19 restrictions, some of the volunteers are multi-tasking in other areas of Council’s operations.

Phillip Wilk normally volunteers at Childers Arts Space (CHARTS), which incorporates the Childers Backpacker Memorial.

“I love welcoming visitors to CHARTS and taking them for a brief tour through the memorial,” Phillip said.

“Wherever we can we tell our visitors about Childers history and things to do in Childers.”

With the facilities closed due to coronavirus restrictions he has taken the opportunity to expand his volunteering work.

“I have been delivering meals for Meals On Wheels (MOW) and also providing transport to and from Bundaberg for those in need, usually for medical appointments.”

Phillip said he loved the variety that has come with the changes.

“It’s great being busy, meeting new people and I love the driving aspect a lot.

“Volunteering has been and continues to be a very good experience for me.

“I appreciate all the council employees and volunteers I work with; I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true.”

Another CHARTS volunteer, Joy Gubbin, has been spending her time as a volunteer firefighter, while BRAG volunteer Connie Battley has been knitting Trauma Teddies for the Red Cross.

Meanwhile, at Bargara, the coronavirus restrictions have had an unexpected upside for The Friends of Kelly’s Creek Community Coast Group, Secretary of the Group, Karyn Ennor said.

“Many of us would have been off in our caravans at this time, but, instead, have been at home and can continue our work to develop Kellys Creek Reserve before autumn,” Karyn said.

“We have a main group of about 10, with five regulars who all live within walking distance of the project site and have a WhatsApp group so we can keep in contact easily and share photos.

“We organised ourselves into pairs and gave each pair a separate area to work in, keeping the two-metre distance rule.

“This worked really well as we were not only getting plenty of fresh air, sunshine and exercise, but had the satisfaction of achievement and group morale.”

National Volunteer Week Friends of Kellys Creek
New plantings to prevent weeds by Friends of Kellys Creek members

Every year Council holds a “thank you” morning tea during National Volunteer Week to acknowledge the great work Council’s volunteers do.

“Sadly, that’s not possible this year, but it’s because of this disruption that I think it’s more important than ever to give our thanks for the wonderful work our volunteers do on behalf of the people of the Bundaberg Region,” Mayor Jack Dempsey said.

