The Playhouse Theatre’s fundraising campaign is being supported by those who have had a deep involvement with the theatre, as well as those who have enjoyed being in the audience.
The Halpins certainly come into the first category.
Kym, Da and Rebecca Halpin are honouring their parents, Ron and Shirley Halpin, by sponsoring a set of Couples Seats – two seats at the end of rows, with an aisle next to them, in the newly configured theatre.
“We three are so very proud of our parents’ contributions to the Playhouse Theatre over the years they were involved,” the sisters said.
“Our parents were very active Life Members of the Playhouse Theatre, and we wanted to do this to honour them and their contributions to the theatre.
“It’s great to be given an opportunity have them remembered in this way, especially Seats L 20 and 21, near their beloved lighting box where they both spent so much time.”
The sisters said the upgrade would not only be most welcome for audience members, but was also a way to acknowledge Playhouse members.
“We would like to say thank you to the tribe of volunteers that make the Playhouse Theatre run,” they said.
“Their contributions cannot be underestimated.”
The not-for-profit organisation has joined forces with the Australian Cultural Fund, so that all donations are tax deductible.
Bundaberg Players President Nigel Dick said he was very grateful to ACF for accepting the fundraiser into their program, ensuring tax deductible status for all donations.
“By donating to our auditorium upgrade project, donors will be directly contributing to the future of the Arts in our community,” Nigel said.
“Their support will allow us to continue offering top-quality performances in a comfortable and welcoming environment for years to come.
“More importantly, donors are helping to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability or background, has the opportunity to enjoy the arts in Bundaberg”.
There are a number of sponsorship levels for organisations, individuals and families wanting to support the fundraiser.
Those interested can email the theatre at secretary@bpi.org.au to obtain a prospectus.
“Our goal is to raise the necessary funds by 31 May 2025 so we can ensure the refurbishment of the Helen and Skipper Cattermull Auditorium occurs in sufficient time for new seating to be installed in August 2025,” Nigel said.
“How exciting it will be to have this project completed in time for our 75 Anniversary celebrations in 2026.”
Donate to Playhouse Theatre upgrade appeal
- Visit the Australian Cultural Fund – noting your donation is for ‘Bundaberg Players Incorporated’:
- For sponsorship inquiries, email us at: secretary@bpi.org.au
- Phone the theatre on (07) 4153 1904
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