A new community connect worker, timber bridge replacement, road and pathway improvements and infrastructure improvement studies have all been earmarked for the Gin Gin area in Council’s budget.
Bundaberg Regional Council handed down its 2023-24 budget on 27 June which featured a 0% increase to general rates, a doubling of the pensioner rates rebate and a $167 million capital program.
The capital program includes regionally significant items like the Bundaberg Aquatic Centre and a new Disaster Management Coordination Centre but it also features a range of projects in Gin Gin, South Kolan and surrounds in addition to non-capital initiatives, events and services.
Gin Gin budget wrap
Gin Gin swimming pool improvements
Roads and infrastructure:
Mulgrave Street, Gin Gin pathway renewal
Monduran Road, Yandaran culvert installation
Ringwood Road, Booyal culvert installation
Hermans Gully Timber Bridge Replacement
Duckpond Road, Monduran access improvements
Stage two of the Birthamba Road, South Kolan road widening project
Floodway upgrade on Diamond Hill Road, Monduran
The continuation of the Bundaberg to Gin Gin Rail Trail business case
Water and wastewater:
A Gin Gin to Wallaville pipeline for the Wallaville Wastewater Treatment Plant
Monduran Water Treatment Plant quality improvement study
Waste and recycling:
Conversion of the Tirroan Landfill to a transfer station
Community and support:
A new Community Connect worker based at the Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre
The Gin Gin Library, located within the recently completed community hub building, will also continue to deliver a full range of services and events throughout the year from its extensive catalogue to school holiday activities.
Read more about Council’s 2023-24 budget on the website.
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