Bundaberg Regional Council will be constructing a footpath on Avoca Road, Avoca from mid-February.
Work is planned to be undertaken weekdays, during the hours of 6 am and 5 pm.
Weather permitting, work will be completed within six weeks.
During construction, sections of the roads will be subject to traffic management measures and will have the appropriate signage to guide motorists.
The Site Supervisor will liaise with directly affected residents to facilitate property access during construction.
Each year, Council allocates funds to undertake concrete pathway construction throughout
the Bundaberg Region.
The construction of these pathways service the community by improving accessibility and mobility of residents.
Pathways encourage participation in physical activity and provide connectivity to facilities which allows people to engage with the community around them.
Bundaberg Regional Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks residents and road users in advance for their patience and co-operation.
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