Employers and businesses looking to connect with jobseekers and students are encouraged to register as an exhibitor at Bundaberg Careers Expo.
There are still 20 exhibitor sites available for the fair, which this year will be held on Wednesday 7 May at Bundaberg Multiplex.
The free event will welcome all jobseekers and interested community members to attend and talk with exhibitors.
Bundaberg Region Mayor Helen Blackburn said the annual event was an opportunity for exhibitors to meet and inspire the next generation of the workforce.
“With over 2,000 students already registered to attend from 10 regional schools, this year’s Careers Expo is a must for local business, training providers and career advisors,” Mayor Blackburn said.
“We will have students from as a far away as Agnes Water coming along to learn more about their chosen career path or discover what job might be right for them.
“It’s a chance to meet face to face and establish those connections which are so important for our young people when they embark on this chapter in life.
“For employers and businesses, it gives those present an opportunity to advise jobseekers what they are looking for in prospective employees.”
Interested exhibitors have until 25 April to register, unless all spots are filled before then.
Powered sites are available for $40, unpowered sites are free.
The 2025 Bundaberg Careers Expo is an annual event hosted by Bundaberg Regional Council, Link and Launch, Department of Education, and Jobs Bundaberg, a Regional Jobs Committee.
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