HomeCouncilBeach erosion: Council issues safety alert

Beach erosion: Council issues safety alert

Bundaberg Regional Council has closed a section of parkland at Moore Park Beach following significant erosion that has impacted the coastline in the past 24 to 48 hours.

Bundaberg Regional Council has closed a section of parkland at Moore Park Beach following significant erosion that has impacted the coastline in the past 24 to 48 hours.

Caused by this week’s high tides, the erosion has created a safety hazard, prompting Council to install a barrier in the area.

Warning signs have also been placed to inform visitors of the potential dangers.

The public is strongly advised to stay clear of the impacted zone, which stretches 100 metres along Bob Nielsen Park and directly in front of Surf Club Drive, and to utilise other unaffected beach access points until further notice.

Council will continue to monitor the situation and additional areas may be temporarily closed to the public if necessary.

Map: The erosion zone is marked in red



  1. The serious beach erosion has not just happened recently but has been steadily occurring over time – the big tides exacerbate the problem. The situation is made worse by beach goers not having designated steps and walkways leading to the beach. Because of this, people walk down the bank anywhere and create more erosion points.

  2. as kids, we did christmas camp under the oak trees. there was a big frontal sand dune. come the king tide, we would sit on that dune encouraging bigger waves to come and they would crash over that sand dune and wash out people who put a tent up too close to the dune. that dune got flattened eventually and made into a car park. people had become too lazy to walk ten yards extra. back then there was no club house that is there now, under threat. then, it would have been under water. ever wondered why the first club house was built so far back? they new what did happen. I can remember the life savers lugging the Mary Theile over the dune. there is a survey of the Parish of Gooburrum that gives a very clear outline of that area, and it is starting to remind me of that period. there is a lot of old BPA records around. far too many for me to look at. what happened to the rocks as big as houses out from the beach, probably burried under Burnett silt. the old trawlers knew how to thread their way through all this and there were heaps of prawns. the life savers would row the surf boat out and for a miserly sum of money in todays term, get a sugar bag of freshly caught prawns. Gengers Road today is not what you saw back then. sorry Helen, with age comes wisdom and you have to be a Bundabergerian to know this.

  3. Hoping the council is actually going to do something proactive to prevent further errosion other than just closing the affected areas which is surely just a temporary bandaid. The concrete walkway beside the caravan park has also been compromised .


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