The community is being encouraged to provide feedback on a key strategic document designed to guide the future development of the Branyan area.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Branyan Local Area Plan has been developed to ensure the logical and coordinated growth of the locality while preserving its existing land uses and environmental features.
Mayor Helen Blackburn said the initiative was important for the region’s long-term planning.
“Branyan has been identified as a major urban expansion area within Council’s Planning Scheme, and this local area planning seeks to ensure that all future development is well-structured, with appropriate infrastructure such as roads, pathways, parks, stormwater systems, and water and sewer networks put in place to meet future needs,” she said.
“Council is committed to managing the growth of Branyan in a way that benefits both current residents and future generations and the Branyan Local Area Plan provides a clear pathway forward for how this growth will occur.”
The former Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2011 earmarked Branyan as a future growth area primarily for residential development, but also with local employment opportunities.
Currently, the locality is made up of a diverse mix of land uses, including rural, rural residential, urban residential, and industrial activities, which influence the sequencing of development and the provision of urban infrastructure.
Council is now seeking community feedback on the proposed planning scheme policy for the Branyan Local Area Plan.
The public consultation period will run from Friday 27 September 2024 to Friday 1 November 2024.
The planning scheme policy will provide an interim framework for development assessments until formal amendments can be made.
“We encourage residents to have their say on this important plan and be part of shaping Branyan’s future,” Mayor Blackburn said.
For more information on the Branyan Local Area Plan and the proposed planning scheme policy, including details about how to submit feedback make a submission, visit the Our Bundaberg Region page here.
A range of drop-in sessions will also be held, including:
• 2 pm – 4 pm – Thursday, 3 October 2024
• 5 pm – 7 pm – Tuesday, 8 October 2024
• 10 am – noon – Monday, 14 October 2024
These sessions will be held in the Conference Room at the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct at 7 Kendalls Road.