HomeCouncilResidents encouraged to ‘Fix it at the Fence’

Residents encouraged to ‘Fix it at the Fence’

lawn mowing overgrown properties
Residents are encouraged to ‘Fix it at the Fence’ before reporting overgrown properties. Photo: iStock.

As warm spring weather boosts grass and vegetation growth, residents are encouraged to ‘Fix it at the Fence’ by talking to their neighbours about potential overgrown property issues.

Bundaberg Regional Council’s Community, Liveability, Sport and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Carmen McEneany said overgrown property complaints to Council had been increasing.

“Throughout spring and summer, lawn growth takes off across the region, and it can be hard to keep up with the rate of growth,” Cr McEneany said.

“Not every long lawn necessarily meets the definition of an overgrown property that requires Council intervention to resolve.

“We want to reduce the number of unnecessary reports to Council and encourage neighbours to resolve their concerns in respectful and constructive ways.

“Council’s ‘Fix it at the Fence’ factsheet has lots of helpful advice on how to have these conversations.”

What is an ‘overgrown’ property?

Local laws require land occupiers and owners to keep their properties free of overgrown vegetation which detracts from the aesthetics of the location, creates potential health hazards, and attracts unwanted wildlife such as snakes and vermin.

Grass that is less than 20 cm high it is not considered overgrown.

If the grass length is greater than this but less than knee height, Council recommends residents contact their neighbour to raise their concerns.

“A quick conversation over the fence could alleviate the situation without having to involve a Council report,” Cr McEneany said.

“Residents also have to be given a reasonable timeframe to rectify an overgrown yard, which is two weeks for residential properties and three weeks for large properties or vacant land.”

Grass length that is past knee height, approximately 40 cm, can be reported to Council via Snap Send Solve.

For more information about overgrown properties and how to ‘Fix it at the Fence’ visit the Council website.


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