HomeCouncilStreets of Remembrance project doubles

Streets of Remembrance project doubles

Streets of Remembrance Ward
Leisa Ward and Lorraine Knott at Ward Court.

Families and descendants of local veterans are voicing their support for Bundaberg Regional Council’s Streets of Remembrance program, which has now identified more than 70 street names to ensure the stories of veterans remain an integral part of the community's heritage.

Arts, Heritage and Asset Management portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said the Bundaberg Region community was honouring the legacy of local veterans by displaying the badges under which they served on the signs of the streets named in their memory.

Cr Learmonth said currently there were 56 existing street names and 17 future street names approved through the Streets of Remembrance program.

“The local project identified about 30 streets in the initial launch and has now more than doubled within its first six months,” Cr Learmonth said.

“This is a wonderful initiative which raises awareness about the origins of these street names and the sacrifices made by our local heroes.”

Ward Court in Kepnock is one the of the streets to be recognised in the initial launch of Streets of Remembrance Program in honour of Corporal Patrick Ward, who was born in Cordalba in 1922.

Cpl Ward’s family said they were pleased to be part of the initiative which was a significant way to remember local veterans who had served on behalf of the local community and the nation.

Cpl Ward served in World War II and although he was not injured during the war he contracted Pleurisy and Malaria. He became very ill coming back on the ship from New Guinea with Tuberculosis.

Returning home to the Bundaberg Region, Cpl Ward married Ivy, who he met during training for war, and they had three daughters, Coral, Lorraine, and Leisa.

Coral, Lorraine and Leisa remain in the Bundaberg Region today and all are proud their father’s service has been commemorated through Council’s Streets of Remembrance initiative.

Lorraine said her father would have been quite pleased to have the recognition of a local street displaying his family’s name and his service badge in his honour.

“The Ward family have been in the region after coming out from Ireland in 1882,” Lorraine said.

“Our ancestors worked in the sugar mills as engineers and engine drivers – we have a long history here in Bundaberg.

“Dad didn’t talk about his service much initially, he didn’t tell us about the war when we were growing up.

“He didn’t do anything such as the parades.

“We think he went through so much during the war he didn’t feel like celebrating it.

“But then when my sons, his grandsons went to high school, Dad started to talk about it a lot and the last few years he did go to the Anzac Day parade and his mindset changed.

“So, seeing the recognition he has been honoured with now is so very pleasing.

“I am really proud of my father.”

She said the Bundaberg Regional Council Streets of Remembrance program was an important project.

“These commemorative street badges are a significant way of creating memorials dedicated to the war service of our local residents.

“Not only for ourselves are these a visible remembrance of great deeds, but also for those who come after us and have not experienced the horrors of war and the importance of peacekeeping.”

Read the full story about Cpl Ward here and find out about the Streets of Remembrance here.


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