HomeCouncilPlanning Committee holds first meeting

Planning Committee holds first meeting

Planning Committee
The committee met for the first time on 28 May with the membership comprising Mayor Helen Blackburn as chair, Councillor representatives including Cr Bill Trevor, Cr Larine Statham-Blair, Cr Carmen McEneany and Cr Gary Kirk and relevant officers.

The newly introduced Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Committee, featuring five elected member representatives, has held its first meeting.

The committee met for the first time on 28 May with the membership comprising Mayor Helen Blackburn as chair, Councillor representatives including Cr Bill Trevor, Cr Larine Statham-Blair, Cr Carmen McEneany and Cr Gary Kirk and relevant officers.

Mayor Blackburn said the inaugural meeting was a positive step for Council which had not had a planning portfolio holder since 2020.

“The aim of the committee is to consider matters relating to Planning and Development and make recommendations to Council on an ongoing basis,” Mayor Blackburn said.

“We have established terms of reference which outline that the committee will act in an advisory capacity.

“It is not intended that the committee will deal directly with operational issues but will provide advice to Council to be considered as part of Council's decision-making process.”

She said by doing so the Planning Committee would perform an important function by providing oversight of Council's planning and development function.

“It’s critical that we, as a Council and as elected members, are able to provide a forum and opportunity for developers and their consultants to come and talk directly with the committee.

“What the committee will achieve is a forum for open and transparent communication with Council by providing an avenue for developers to come and talk directly with the committee regardless of where they are at in the development process and whether or not their feedback is good or bad.”

Anyone is able to request to present to the Planning Committee and share feedback on Council processes or share more information about a proposal or project.

“I believe this will be a more considered approach that allows the industry to legitimately raise concerns and to provide any feedback they have about development matters,” Mayor Blackburn said.

The Planning Committee can be contacted directly by emailing planningcommittee@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or by calling Council on 1300 883 699.

Read more on Council’s website: The application process: Planning and Development Committee – Bundaberg Regional Council



  1. Good to see. Ratepayers will be able to interact with their elected representatives to voice their concerns directly with those elected in the knowledge that the committee members will be able to provide open and frank and fully informed responses and not rely on bureaucratic interaction.
    I look forward to these interactions as i am sure many will.

  2. Ok so there is going to be planning? Maybe a few 5 star resort or hotels for International travellers. What about a high rise hotel near the airport. What happened to the high rise hotel Brothers was going to build? What about a light rail (tram) from the airport to city of town. With our population growing there seems to be no planning ever for future years.


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