The third annual Childers Heritage Weekend is now being planned with an exciting weekend of activities and attractions in store as part of the nation-wide Australian Heritage Festival.
It will be held on the 11 and 12 May 2024 and will celebrate the rich cultural and historic roots of the charming Childers area, along with our regional local heritage.
Coordinator and local historian Scott Stedman said several functions and features had already been developed for this year’s event.
“Some events include museum visits, discovery walks around the town, an open-visit scheme consisting of historic buildings and sites of significance, static military and cultural displays, story-sharing in the library, and demonstrations and displays of traditional crafting,” he said.
“The aim of the weekend is to draw visitors into the region, allowing the shared historic and cultural richness to encourage economic growth and development in the local area.
“It is hoped that food outlets, accommodation providers, museums, businesses, tourism operators and the general community will benefit from an influx of visitors.”
Childers Heritage Weekend activities include:
- The Grand Hotel will open their veranda and some rooms upstairs while a historical talk will be given by manager Helen. Traditional Pub Classics will be served up by Lisa in the Grand Bistro between 11.30 am and 2 pm on Saturday.
- The Bundaberg Caledonian Pipe Band will be roaming Churchill Street during Saturday morning playing some old traditional tunes.
- Delicious Devonshire teas will be served up by the lovely ladies at the C.W.A. rooms in Crescent Street.
- The R.S.L. will again host the 5th Light Horse Regiment Hervey Bay Troop and will lead the Military Walk to the Soldiers Room conducted by Warren Martin.
- Head to the Childers Historical Complex for Billy Tea and Damper. While there be sure to check out the Clydesdale Horses and explore the Historical Building and Displays.
- Christ Church will open its doors to a display of patchwork quilts by the Childers Quilters while in the hall there will be an Orchid Display and a sales table by the Quilters. You can also enjoy morning tea home-made by the Church ladies.
Find more information on the Facebook page here.
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