Community members are invited to put on their thinking caps along with their shoes to have a say on the Bargara Walking Network Plan.
Bundaberg Regional Council’s Walking Network Plan will help shape improvements to pedestrian activity within the Bargara Central Shopping Centre catchment.
This will be the third location chosen in the Bundaberg Region to be funded through the Queensland Walking Local Government Grants, which has also funded the development of walking network plans for the Friendly Society Private Hospital and Sugarland Plaza catchment areas.
Each catchment encompasses a two kilometre radius around a key site in accordance with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Walking Network Planning Guidance.
Council has engaged Arup to work with the community and key stakeholders to help identify barriers to walking and opportunities for improvement.
Residents can have their say using an interactive online mapping tool, which allows them to zoom in to areas of interest within the catchment and drop a pin to share a view or idea.
Council’s interactive map for the Bargara Walking Network Plan will close on Sunday 10 March.
To find out more or to be involved in the survey click here.
Other news:
Hi, I would love to see a safe cycle track to Bargara from Bundaberg. We live close enough to cycle to the beach. Also, it would be great if the speed limit would cater for slower vehicles such as scooters. Drivers of larger vehicles can be upset by slow vehicles and express their lack of consideration, even to the farmers in their tractors. The highway to the coast should be better planned to allow for an accessible network of roads to various vehicle speed capacities not just extremely powerful vehicles. It is very dangerous on the road at present.
A walkway between Elliott Heads and Coral Cove would be awesome
I feel Bargara has had so much spent on the foreshore lately, I would like to see a link between Elliott Heads and coral cove for a safe walking/bike path. Both areas are growing and forward thinking for this area would be valuable before it’s too late and no area is available due to expansion. It is also a tourist destination and to be able to ride all the way to. argara would be a bonus
Complete the footpath along Davidson Street to Fairway Drive T junction.
Add footpath along the length of Blain Street.
After visiting some other towns in Qld and in other states I would love to see more paths. We are in Coral Cove and I have three children 5yrs old and twins 2.5yrs and it feels odd that we have to walk across a main thoroughfare round about (that people hoon through) to go for a walk and then just walk on roads. The dream would be the ability to be able to walk to a fully shaded park on a path… or to the beach. Just more paths linking everywhere would be FANTASTIC!!!! We love living here.
The southern end of Woongarra scenic drive needs a decent footpath/ walk path as the road is so narrow and there is a childcare centre there that parent want to walk to and also a major bus route and nowhere safe for the children to walk
What about the old railway track between Bundaberg and Bargara
Way off the road for safety
Govt land already
Beautiful scenery
Before the council does anything new, they could make the Bargara Esplanade safe for users. A dividing line down the centre to encourage people to stay on the left and signage asking users to stay left, have dogs on their left hand side, to walk two abreast maximum and if stationary, move off the path. Bikes and scooters to be limited to 10kph would also be appreciated. At the moment it is a free for all and dangerous to joggers in particular who can be forced onto uneven ground or tripped by the leads of out of control dogs.
Pathways in all these areas mentioned would be awesome …. All pathways even existing ones need to be wide & widened to cope with the walking, pram, wheelchairs, bikes & scooters traffic …
Hi I’d love to see a cycling track from Bundaberg to bagarra there is a cycling track but but doesn’t go all the way to Bundaberg which is silly considering the amount of people riding to bagarra I personally don’t feel safe riding to bagarra as it’s to dangerous other areas would be great to but make the footpaths wider I live in north Bundaberg and I don’t know why queen st doesn’t have a footpath as it’s get used alot by scooters bike etc that road is very dangerous and I have to use it to ride my ebike to work and I see mother’s walking there kids to school and with prams Bundaberg needs more safe bicycle and pedestrian footpaths like Brisbane