Residents and community members may notice changed road conditions as Bundaberg Regional Council undertakes a road renewal on Limpus Crescent, Kalkie.
Work will commence early this month and will be undertaken mostly weekdays during the hours of 6 am and 5 pm.
Weather permitting, work will be completed within five weeks.
During construction, sections of the road will be subject to traffic management measures, including detours and will have appropriate signage to guide motorists and pedestrians.
The Site Supervisor will liaise directly with affected residents to facilitate property access during construction and will also discuss where to place wheelie bins prior to the day of collection when construction works conflict with refuse collection.
Council is aware of the inconvenience construction work causes and thanks residents and road users in advance for their patience and co-operation.
For any enquires in relation to the works, please contact Council on 1300 883 699.
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