Applications are now open for the first artwork proposals to be considered under Bundaberg Regional Council’s Public Art Masterplan.
The plan was adopted by Council in July this year and is a first for the region.
Arts, Culture and Events portfolio spokesperson Cr John Learmonth said it was an exciting opportunity to give the future growth of the region’s public art collection a strategic direction.
“The Public Art Masterplan means Council can now proactively call for artwork proposals to be considered and the arts community has clear guidelines under which to make those submissions,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Creating art is a labour of love however going through this process is a significant undertaking so it’s wonderful we can offer this level of clarity for the community.
“It also provides Council with a clear framework under which to assess proposals, based on themes supported by the community and criteria such as public safety and resourcing.”
The Public Art Masterplan vision is that “public art will showcase the Bundaberg Region’s unique identity and history through a diversity of artforms, improved aesthetics, connections to the environment and culture, aligned with future aspirations”.
Its mission states “Bundaberg Regional Council will reflect our region’s unique identity through the development and management of a public art program, creating rich experiences for our community and its visitors”.
Cr Learmonth said Council was looking forward to working proactively with the arts community and he knew many residents supported more public art.
“Council has consulted with the community every step of the way throughout the development of this masterplan,” Cr Learmonth said.
“Residents have told us that they see the value in public art and have helped us to identify the themes which are important to our community.”
A special round for public art proposals is open now and closes 20 October 2023.
Read the Public Art Masterplan and make a submission here.