Check out all the latest bowls results from around the Bundaberg Region as local club’s share their news.
Across the Waves Men
Wednesday 3rd May Social Bowls –
Winners – G.Kuhnel & R. Batt
Sportsmen – S.Squires, B.Peardon & G.Hartigan, R.Machan (a tie)
Thursday 4th May Money Day sponsored by Regaline Cabinets and Joinery & Wide Bay Classic –
Green 1 –
Winners – G.Hartigan, S.Penningh, T.Barns
1st Runners-Up – M.Kulikovskis, B.Koorneef, R.Batt
2nd Runners-Up – R.Clarke, R.Hussey, G.Black
Sportsmen – G.Finemore, B.Sechtig, J.Callaway
Green 2 –
Winners – K.Claridge, F.De Bono, L.Robinson
1st Runners-Up – R.Davey, T.Brigden, V.Mallett
2nd Runners-Up – P.Lituri, K.Callow, L.Poulsen
Sportsmen – K.Mason, S.Kent, S.Pennington
Saturday 6th May Social Bowls –
Winners – P.Kajewski & T.Smith
Across the Waves Ladies
RESULTS Friday 5th May:
Trophy Winners – L.Murphy & J.Barlow
Sportsmen – J.Callaway & J.Mizzi
Semi-Final Championship Singles –
L.Murphy def R.Higgins
L.Robinson def J.Callaway
Thanks Joyce, Josie & Glenyss for marking and umpiring.
Call for competiton Friday 19th May –
Final Championship Singles –
L.Robinson v L.Murphy
Play or forfeit
Marker – L.Hillier
Nominations For Championship Triples are now open, closing and drawn on 19th May. First games to be played 26th May.
$400 MONEY DAY Friday 12th May sponsored by Blue Care Argyle Gardens –
Phone Lyn on 0402 302 091 by Wednesday to get your triples team in.
Bargara Bowls
NOTES W/e 7th May
Monday 1st May – Police Legacy Day – Winners S. & B. Heness, D. Franklin & B. O’Neil; runners up J. Lim, M. Winter, T. Plowman & G. Kath; Sportsman’s H. Moreton, S. Coleman, D. Bust & B. Gill. A Great Day with all proceeds to Police Legacy.
Tuesday 2nd May – Ladies Social Bowls – Winners M. Baigrie, M. Schluter & P. Van Huizen; runners up P. Kohn, V. Kohn & J. Dunn. Sportsman’s L. DuBarrie, L. Campbell & S. Russell.
Wednesday 3rd May – Turkey Pairs – Winners A. Grills & N. Cullen; runners up B. McNamee & P. Frearson; Winners of 1st Game L. & J. Chisholm; Winners of 2nd Game V. Kohn & G. Stephens.
Thursday 4th May – Men’s Pairs/Triples – Winners G. Miles & K. Fitzgerald; R. Murdaca & J. Jardine; runners up D. Fielding, D. Raggart & K. Dann; P. Pitt, K. Mayes & K. Hammond; Sportsman’s T. Fauser, D. Jankovic & M. Richardson; B. Kenny, B. Payne & R. Roundtree.
Friday 5th May – Men’s “B” Grade Fours Semi-Final L. Moloney, W. Heath, A. Grills & J. Schluter d J. Russell, K. Hiley, D. Fielding & D. Raggart in a game that went to the last bowl. Jim’s Team lead by 9 shots with two ends to go, Rags’ team scored a 3 in the second last end. Rags’ Team held 6 shots on the last end and Jim drew the shot with his last bowl, a very tense ending.
Sunday 7th May Bundaberg/Bargara Friendship day at Bundaberg – 86 Bowlers enjoyed fellowship and friendship on the Bundaberg Greens. Winners No. 1 Green K. McDonnell, V. Kohn & B. Frost; L. Moloney, N. McNamara & P. Sexton. Sportsman’s V. Stewart, S. Warren & V. Schmidt. No.2 Green Winners A. Grills, J. & C. Fehberg; J. Emery, W. McNamara & D. Jankovic. Sportsman’s M. Stumbles, G. Purches & M. Nichol. Next round to determine the Winner of the Shield donated by John & Judy Nowell will be held at Bargara on the 17th September.
Coming events
Monday Turkey Pairs – Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Pairs. Two games of 11 ends. 12.30pm Start.
Tuesday – Ladies Social Bowls 12.30pm Start.
Wednesday – Turkey Pairs – Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Pairs. Two games of 11 ends. 1Pm Start.Men’s “B” Fours Final F. Plant, R. Murdaca, L. Poulsen & B. Dunn v L. Moloney, W. Heath, A. Grills & J. Schluter.1pm Start.
Thursday – Men’s Pairs/Triples 1pm Start.
Friday – Jack Attack Open (Ladies, Men or Mixed) Pairs. Pay by 5pm Start at 5.30pm. All invited to come along and enjoy a couple of hours playing Bowls under the lights and finished by 8pm.
Saturday – Men’s “B” Pairs Round 1. 1pm Start. Social Bowls 1pm Start.
Bundaberg Bowls
Results and up coming games 7th. May
Tuesday 2nd. sponsored by dr. Jai eye centre winners samson green: J Clough R Chambers L Poulsen
Runners up: L Scougall F Millerick J Scougall
Sports persons: J Aulfrey L Case J Francis.
Foundation green winners: V Mallett T Brigden C Engsrom Runners Up: A Angove S Warren B Sechtic.
Sports persons: W Wallace A Roylance N Nunn.
Thursday 4th. May winners: P Lovell B Fryer.
Runner up: B Newton C Morey I Quartermaine.
Sports persons: A Edgerton A Buxton V Green.
Saturday 6th. winners: D Cooke J Scougall L Quinn. Runners up. R Death A Salau C Jonson.
Sunday 7th. Bargara visit winners: Samson green: E Mcdonnalt V Kohn B Frost. Runners up: L Moloney N Mcnamara P Sexton.
Sports persons: V Stewart S Warren V Schmidt.
Winners foundation green: A Grills J Fehlberg C Fehlberg. runners up: J Emery W Mcnamara D Jankovic.
Sports persons: G Purches M Stumbles M Nicol.
Selectors Tuesday 9th. May. R Ribbans & S Ribbbans. Thursday 11th. M Nicol J Clough Saturday 13th. V Schmidt.
Ladies competition results championship singles: C Marcinkus Def S Sparke. M Nicol Def L Scougall.
Ladies competition call: Championship triples final Thursday 11th: M Nicol B Elworthy T Salau V C Marcinkus L Scougall K Itzstein.
Championship singles: Saturday 13th. May T Salau V M Nicol
Mens competition results: a singles: D Jensen Def J Cappetta
Semi final b singles: P Lovell Def B Mckinnon
Mens competition call: Tuesday 16th. final b singles: P Lovell V R Chambers.
Nominations for the a grade triples. b grade pairs and b triples nominations close on 10th May 2023.
Upcoming events: sponsored day 9th May A I M Hearing.
Tuesday 16th. bom meeting 10am. all welcome
22nd may cards afternoon
Ladies it’s time to put your name on the sheet for pennant or let me know that you would like to participate.
So that we will know how many teams we can field. decide what divisions to put in for. thank you marcia ph. 0480114877. Need weeders for the garden 7am Tuesday and working bee for the line markers 7am. Tuesday.
Burnett Men
Tuesday 2nd May: Winners: Rob Swallow, David Green, Sportsman: Arthur Wood, Graham McLennan.
Wednesday 26th April: Scroungers: Winner: Tim Clark
Thursday 27th April: ‘Social Thursday’ – Winners: Keith Bagley, Keith Sinclair, Peter Bull, Theo Poelstra
Thursday 27th April: Night Bowls: Winners: Valerie & Ossy Sportsman: Gary Nicho & Robbie. ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot was not won and next week will be $140+. Thank you to DNA Property Consultants for their continued sponsorship. Phone Anthony for any Property enquiries on 0435083606.
Friday 28th April: Winners: Eric Mulley, Brendan Whalley Sportsman: Arthur Wood, Sharon Sheppeard. The Friday Jackpot was not won and will now be $110 next week.
Saturday 29th April: Winners: John Barry, Janelle Franks Sportsman: Graeme McKenna, Alan Nielsen
All members are asked to check the draws and continue to arrange games by mutual agreement. Priority is to be given to the Championship Singles & Pairs as they need to be completed by mid-June so our winners can contest the District Champion of Champions.
Competition Results: Championship Singles: Darryl Austin def Peter Hannigan (Chilli Pete) 25-14
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then phone 0401341378 or 0466539441.
Tuesday 9th May: 50/50 Day – where 50 percent of the green fees for the day will be returned as prize money. Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.45pm for a 1 pm start. The Two Bowl Toucher Jackpot will be played after the game and is currently $450.
Wednesday 10th May: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – this is a fun game of Singles similar to consistency singles where points are allocated to the 4 closest bowls to the jack. Games are played over 12 ends with no driving allowed. Names in by 6.15pm with games starting at 6.30pm. Green fees are $8 with 50 percent of the green fees being returned as prizemoney. All ability levels are welcome so come along for a fun night out.
Thursday 11th May: ‘Social Thursday’ Open Pairs. 3pm start, names by 2.30pm. $10 green fees. Games will finish at 5pm with two random lucky draws as prizes.
Thursday 11th May: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30pm, names in by 6pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which is currently $140+. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.
Friday 12th May: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.45pm for a 1 pm start. The Friday Jackpot will be $80.
Saturday 13th May: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12pm, green fees paid by 12.45pm for a 1 pm start.
Tuesday 9th May – 50/50 Day where 50 percent of the green fees for the day will be returned as prize money.
Saturday 13th May: Men’s Bowls Section Cent Sale. Helpers are needed on the day – please see Keith Whalley if you are able to assist.
Club opening hours are – Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 10am – 9pm, Thursday 11am – 9pm, Friday 10am – 9pm, Saturday 10am – 9pm (10pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9am – 2pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night at 7pm. The Member’s Draw was not won last week and will now be $130, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
Live entertainment for this Friday night the 12th May will be ‘Bradz Rock N Rhythms’ and the following Friday the 19th May, live music will be delivered by ‘The Other Bloke – Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
Woodgate Bowls
Tuesday 2.05.2023:
Ladies Day, and what a beautiful day it is!
The wind of the last couple of weeks has blown away and the weather is perfect for a game of bowls.
We have two of our Ladies away with the district team at the moment, Fiona Dowling and Jacquie Rogerson are carrying the flag for us.
All the best and have fun Ladies!
Winning Rink Draw:
Rink 6:
Ann Sleep, Cheryl Goodhew, Suzanne Weir
Encouragement Award:
Again rink 6:
Leila Teys, Trish Jensen, Gail Lenz
Wednesday 3.05.2023:
Mens Day:
Always good to see our men out on the greens enjoying a game in the beautiful weather we’re having at the moment!
Winning Rink Draw:
Rink 2:
R. Birch, Gordon Ibbotson, Rowdy Taylor
Runners Up:
Rink 7:
Jesse James, Phil Mullins, Ray Henderson
Thursday 4.05.2023:
Billy’s Day, always a fun day out in the (almost) winter sunshine!
Today we welcomed eight lovely bowlers from Rockhampton who joined us for an afternoon of fun on our lovely grass greens!
Winning Rink Draw:
Rink 7: Lyall Brettell, Lorelle Mattson, Visitor Ross
Rink 6: Daphne Brettell, Phil Mullins, Donna Smith
The Jackpot didn’t go off so another chance at the money next week!
Saturday 6.05.2023:
Jackpot Pairs and a competition game in the Open Mens Pairs: What a game it was, nail biting until the very last bowl of the 22nd end!
Super Veterans Geoff (Archie) Bishop and Robbie Royan had a very hard fought win over new veteran John (Robbo) Robinson and youngster Greg Silverthorne! (Under 40!)
Both teams started out cautiously only giving or taking one point per end, some great defensive bowls played until the sixth end when the Super V’s took a four!
The score sat at ten/six until end thirteen when the youngsters took a seven, taking the score to thirteen/ten in their favour!
The Super V’s showed that age is no barrier, it’s experience and determination that count picking up a couple of threes’ to even the score at eighteen all at end twenty one!!
As you can well imagine the excitement and tension was high!
It was also getting late and the light was fading as well as the expected cold snap could be felt, especially by the crowd of spectators sitting in the breeze!
End 22 was a cracker with no clear winner until the second last bowl when the Super V’s were holding one shot!
Skip Robbie Royan elected to take the point and the match 19/18.
As I said, what a game!
Rink Draw Winners:
Rink 12: Dean Kulbars, Bob Winzar
Runner Up:
Rink 9: Competition game Archie Bishop, Robbie Royan
Sunday 7.05.2023:
Social Competition, three games of triples and one of pairs:
Winning Rink Draw:
Rink 9: Jesse James, Rob Anderson, Graham Summers
Rink 11: Archie Bishop, Robyn Bishop, Gail Lenz
- Other news: Spectacular blooms auctioned for good cause