A new initiative has been launched in the Bundaberg Region to assist domestic and family violence victims and survivors regain privacy and safety while attending appointments.
SAFEcard has been created by EDON Place, a not-for-profit community based organisation providing specialist support services in Bundaberg and North Burnett.
The SAFEcard represents S- Safety, A- Actions, F- For, E- Everyone and is a quick reference tool to help professionals conduct the initial assessment at first presentation of a victim/survivor that has recently experienced or are recovering (or healing) from domestic and family violence.
Community Engagement Coordinator EDON Place Jenae George said the need for the SAFEcard was identified by staff who were working directly with families who have presented to their local appointment and identified that it was not a safe place to vocally share their personal details.
“The SAFEcards will be distributed throughout the community, including local GP’s, DV services, police services and social workers to assist domestic and family violence victim survivors to regain dignity and safety,” she said.
The front of the card identifies that the holder is a victim-survivor of domestic violence, it requests that the service please understand that their privacy and safety is paramount and that they do not feel comfortable providing their details out aloud.

The SAFEcard asks if the service can allow the victim/survivor to write this information on paper and hand it to back to the professional service.
The initiative has been supported and funded by the Zonta Club of Bundaberg, a local organisation which campaigns for women’s rights.
“The Zonta Club of Bundaberg has been very vocal in its advocacy for those experiencing domestic and family violence for over 30 years,” President Le-Anne Allan said.
“We are certainly very happy support the SAFEcard initiative by EDON Place.”
EDON Place CEO Lynne Booth said the local project could expand to become a state-wide or even a national initiative.
“It would be lovely for victim survivors to be able to present the card wherever they may be to let the other person know that they need their privacy at that time,” she said.