An existing warehouse could soon become part of a new development for a freeze-drying facility which would be capable of manufacturing more than 200 tonnes of food while providing up to 50 jobs in the region.
Bundaberg Regional Council recently received a Material Change of Use application for the freeze dry facility at 9 Charlie Triggs Crescent, Thabeban by Insite SJC on behalf of SSS Superfoods Pty Ltd.
Currently the site features an existing office and storage area which would be utilised as a warehouse in the new development, if approved.
The proposed development also includes plans for an industrial shed, 69 parking spaces and manoeuvring area.
If approved, the proposed freeze-drying development would process greater than 200 tonnes of food and would include 50 full-time jobs.
According to the application, “the regionally significant project has economic benefits such as stimulating and supporting a diverse regional economy, significantly contributing to employment, value adding to the agricultural sector and reducing in agricultural waste”.
According to the application, the business would operate seven days a week.
Other features of the proposed development include:
• 50 full time equivalent jobs;
• 24-7 operation seven days a week;
• Proposed Process facility—1601sq m;
• Proposed ancillary office—160sq m;
• Reuse of existing warehouse—1896sq m;
• Site coverage—40.1 per cent;
• 9.6m overall building height;
• Mixture of Colourbond and painted fibre cement cladding;
• 69 formalised carparks including one designated disable parking bay;
• 2 sealed commercial driveways;
• Dedicated landscape strips;
• Dedicated waste disposal area screened from frontage;
• External lighting;
• The building would be fit for purpose and functional
have the other SSS prorgrects started YET