Bundaberg Meals on Wheels is holding a Christmas market this Saturday, providing the community the opportunity to find unique gifts while supporting local organisations.
The event will be held on Saturday 3 December from 8 am until 1 pm at 10 Eastgate Street, East Bundaberg.
Bundaberg Meals on Wheels Service Manager Brendon Searle said the markets were an opportunity for people support a vital fundraiser.
“The markets are a chance to bring people together in an open, welcoming, friendly environment, with the opportunity for local small businesses, hobbyists and not-for profit groups to showcase their talents,” Brendon said.
“Lions are hosting a sausage sizzle on the day, with cold drinks available and the chance to go in the running for fantastic Christmas prizes with the Christmas raffle.
“Proceeds from site fees, our raffles and goods for sale at our stalls go towards our service which is in need of donations in order to continue.”
This is the second year the markets have taken place, with a few spaces left for new stallholders to register.
Meals on Wheels is always looking for volunteers, with those interested able to contact info@bmow.com.au for further information.
About Bundaberg Meals on Wheels
Bundaberg & District Meals on Wheels Incorporated supports and enhances the independence of the frail aged, younger people with disabilities and the primary carers of these groups of people, by the provision of quality meals, which enables them to remain living in their own homes.
Event details:
Date: 3 December
Time: 8 am to 1 pm
Cost: Free
Location: 10 Eastgate Street, East Bundaberg
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