The Tackle World Bundaberg team says a number of fish are biting throughout the region’s hotspots including mackerel inshore and reef fish offshore.
Bundaberg Inshore
The inshore reefs have been full of big Spanish mackerel and heaps of school mackerel.
Trolling large baits like garfish, pike or ribbonfish has been getting a lot of the bigger Spanish to bite.
Most of the school mackerel have been caught on metal Flasha Spoons sunk to the bottom and retrieved as fast as you can.
The annual snapper closed season has only just ended last week and already we have seen some cracking snapper being caught.
Most of these fish are getting caught on bright coloured 4 and 5inch jerk shad soft plastics hopped aggressively through their school.
Bundaberg Offshore
With the good weather last weekend we saw plenty of people head offshore chasing a few reef fish.
We saw plenty of quality coral trout, red emperor, nannygai, cobia and sweetlip caught over the weekend and the beginning of this week.
The best way to catch these bottom fish has been on large flesh baits.
Mullet fillet and whole squid have worked best when rigged either using a 2 hook snell rig or a set of 6/0 gang hooks.
There have been small patches of yakka around but they are scattered, if you can, try and jig up some as they are the ideal bait to either fillet or use as a livey.
The Burnett River
With the Burnett cleaning up nicely we have started to see the blue salmon make an appearance.
A few of the deep holes have held some quality salmon with soft vibes hopped along the bottom working best.
A good quality sounder will help you locate these fish because they move around a lot.
Plenty of quality sized grunter have made their way further up the river with places like Kirby’s Wall producing some great fish.
Whole prawns have been the best bait for these fish, rigged on a running ball sinker rig.
Lures have also been really effective, small soft vibes like the Samaki Vibelicious have been best in the dirtier water.

The Elliott River
The Elliott River is still fishing really well at the moment , plenty of tailor are still out the mouth of the river with small metal slugs getting most of the bites.
Aside from the mouth fishing up the river has been working well this week, lots of flathead around the 50cm mark are getting caught which are the perfect eating size.
Shimano’s Squidgy Dura-Tough range of soft plastics have been so effective even when fished side by side with other lures.
Brighter colours have worked best, just make sure your lure is hitting the bottom.
Trolling small hardbody lures has also worked really well this week especially when trying to find some new ground worth fishing.

The Baffle Creek
This week has seen plenty of solid grunter getting caught in the deeper holes and channels further up the river.
As the water clarity gets better these fish seem to be moving further upstream so fishing on an incoming tide has been working best.
If you can’t find any deep holes, drifting sand bars or yabbies beds has been another great way to find a few grunter.
Plenty of big flathead have also been found in really shallow water caught mostly on yabbies using a running ball sinker rig.
The Kolan River
The water temperature in the Kolan River is really starting to warm up which is a great sign.
A lot of small jacks have been caught on live bait fishing over rock walls or rocky bottom.
Using a lighter fluorocarbon leader than normal has resulted in more bites as they are still timid for now.
The majority of fish caught have been the flathead and grunter with both of these species not being too picky at the moment.
Soft plastics or soft vibes around the 80-100mm range have worked best.
If you are using bait, prawns and yabbies have worked best for the grunter.
And the flathead have not minded a prawn, pilchard or mullet fillet on the bottom.
Lake Monduran
This week has seen the barra getting on the move a little more, most of these fish have still been very timid so being stealthy when motoring to your spot will help to not spook the fish.
These fish have been looking for warmer water with shallow windblown points holding most of the barra.
Using a more finesse lure like soft plastics rigged on a slightly lighter jig head paired with a lighter leader has managed to get the barra to bite.
A simple slow roll technique using a white soft plastic has worked best.
Other stories: Look out for nesting rainbow bee-eaters
Whoa those are great hauls! That mackerel is huuuge!