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Local students best and brightest in Queensland

Peter Doherty awards
Brayden Sander of Bundaberg State High School recently received a 2022 Peter Doherty Award for his contribution to STEM.

Two Bundaberg Region students have been named among Queensland’s best and brightest in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the 2022 Peter Doherty Awards.

Brayden Sander of Bundaberg State High School and Zaria Napier from Gin Gin State High School were among 28 students across the state to be selected for the prestigious award.

Bundaberg State High School Principal Chris Gill said Brayden had been selected for his award in the Outstanding Senior STEM Student category.

“Brayden is a worthy recipient of this prestigious award, studying four STEM subjects at school with the aim of following a career path in engineering,” Mr Gill said.

“He is a positive role model for our students at Bundy High.”

Gin Gin State High School’s Zaria Napier was also awarded, in the category of Outstanding Rural and Remote Senior STEM Student.

According to Principal Paul Stehbens, Zaria’s award comes as one of many achievements she has secured throughout her schooling life.

“Zaria is very well respected amongst her fellow students and staff and it is no surprise that she was voted in as one of our two school captains for 2022,” he said.

“Earlier this year she also secured a position in QUT’s Future You STEM Summit program in Brisbane.

“Zaria has for many years had a passion for STEM and was selected in year 10 to be part of the STEM Girl Power Camp hosted by Education Queensland.

“As a school, we are very proud of Zaria’s achievements.

“She is a great young lady who is a fantastic role model to other students, in particular young girls.”

Peter Doherty awards
Zaria Napier from Gin Gin State High School recently received a 2022 Peter Doherty Award for her contribution to STEM.

STEM students showcased in Peter Doherty awards

Education Minister Grace Grace said the 19th Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM Education attracted 119 applications from state and non-state schools right across Queensland.

“Each $5000 prize will enable students to continue their STEM studies and hopefully spur them on to even higher achievement in this important field, and encourage future STEM learning and career pathways,” Ms Grace said.

“Careers in STEM are the careers of the future and will make up many of Queensland’s good jobs, supporting better services and great lifestyle in the years to come.

“Of these, 28 applicants were successful across six categories, receiving total prizemoney of $140,000.

“In total 22 student prizes were awarded across the categories of Outstanding senior student, Outstanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander senior student and Outstanding rural and remote senior student.”

The Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM Education are named after the 2019 Australian of the Year and Nobel Prize-winning scientist who was educated at Indooroopilly State High School and the University of Queensland.

For the full list of award winners visit https://qld.gov.au/stemhubpeterdoherty

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