More than 130 scouts had the chance to spread their wings in a day of air activities based at Bundaberg Airport.
Scouts Queensland Air Activities organised the event, which involved flight simulations and also provided some scout youth with the opportunity to take in a bird’s eye view of the Bundaberg Region.
Scouts from Kepnock, Millbank and Moore Park Beach were all thrilled to take part in the activities, saying a standout moment was having the helicopter and other aircraft available.
“Knowing this is one of the most dangerous adventure activities we can do with scouts is challenging but exciting,” Kepnock Scouts Group Leader Emily Ayling said.
“Everyone who got to enjoy a flight got out of their choice of aircraft with the biggest grins.”
Moore Park Beach joey member Beth said she was unsure of how she would feel flying in an aircraft at first, but found the experience to be out of this world.
“I was nervous of the helicopter blades, but I kept my head down and then we took off like a rocket,” she said.
“I liked wearing the headphones so we could talk to each other because it was very loud.
“The cars looked like little ants!”
Cub member Robb said he enjoyed taking in the sights of Bundaberg that he normally wouldn’t get the chance to see on the ground.
“I loved going in the front of the helicopter next to the pilot because I could see for miles and miles,” he said.
“I liked when we flew over the three bridges and then we saw the top of Coles and Maccas which was cool because I’ve only seen them from the road.
“My friend said he saw us fly over in the helicopter and now he wants to join Scouts too because we do so much cool stuff.”
Gecko member Jude agreed saying the view was unbelievable.

“Getting to see the patchwork of fields and farms around Bundy was spectacular,” Jude said
“It’s a big place and going over the Hummock and seeing out to sea was very special.
“The pilot was amazing with the young Scouts, really friendly and fun.”
Air activities a chance to learn about aviation
Air Activities branch commissioner Craig Luxton said Scouts Queensland was a youth lead organisation with groups dotted across the state, and members enjoyed the Air Activities experience at the Bundaberg Airport on Sunday 24 July.
“Although based in Brisbane the team of volunteers travelled up to Bundaberg, the home of famous Australian aviation pioneer Bert Hinkler, to educate and inspire the local youth members in all things aviation,” he said.
“Over 130 youth members attended and enjoyed learning about how aircraft fly, built model gliders, took control of one of our flight simulators and even took to the sky in either a fixed wing or rotary wing flight experience around the airfield and over Bundaberg city.
“For some, it was the first ever time in an aircraft, and for all, it was an amazing day for a bird’s eye view of the beautiful Bundaberg city.”
Craig said the Air Activities Day at Bundaberg Airport was deemed a success and he thanked the volunteers and along with the community for the support.
“Plenty of support also from the local airport community,” he said.
“Thank you to Greg Barrington from Bundaberg (Regional) Council, Insp. Wesley Bruce from QFES and Aircraft Australia for giving us space to operate our activities at the airfield.”
To find out more about Scouts Queensland or the Air Activities click here.
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