Work is continuing across the Bundaberg Region to upgrade bus stops, with a number of new bus shelters being installed at selected stops to provide comfort and protection for those using the bus services.
The work is being completed by Bundaberg Regional Council in partnership with the Department of Transport and Main Roads and TransLink.
Council’s Roads and Drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said the works would assist in enhancing the experience of commuters who use the bus network.
“We have been looking to upgrade bus stops and provide new bus stops in the appropriate places right across the region and we are pleased to see the progress on this project thus far,” Cr Trevor said.
“These shelters will offer protection in the hot weather, rainy weather and clearly designate where the bus will be stopping as well.
“With a lot of older people across the region, standing for a long period of time is difficult for some in varying weather conditions, so it is great that these shelters can help service a range of people within the region.
Cr Trevor said some of the shelters had been made locally, providing work to local companies while supporting local jobs.
“Some of these bus shelters are being provided by local company Grillex, which has supported local jobs and keeps money right here in Bundaberg.
“It is great to be able to support companies within the region.”
The locations for bus shelters, and those that were selected to be upgraded was based on the data provided by Translink for the most utilised stops within the region.
“We have looked at figures provided by TransLink which allow us to see where people are catching busses, so these upgrades are not just on main roads, they are taking place right across a range of locations within our region,” he said.
“We’ve looked at some expanding routes with TransLink as part of their statistics, and we’ve been able to use this information to place the bus shelters in the best possible place.”
You can find the full list of completed shelters and those still underway here:
Completed Bus Shelters:
- Bargara Road near Olsen Street, Bargara Rd, Bundaberg East (both sides of road)
- Bargara Road / Coral Gardens Drive, Bargara Rd, Bundaberg East (both sides of road)
- Takalvan Street / Cleary Street, Takalvan St, Millbank
Completed Bus Stops:
- Jefferis Street / Bonney Street, Jefferis St, Bundaberg North
- Walker Street / Targo Street, Walker St, Bundaberg South
Works underway:
- Electra Street / Branyan Street, Electra St, Bundaberg West (both sides of road)
- Johnston Street / Twyford Street, Johnston Street, Avoca
- Walker Street / Targo Street, Walker St, Bundaberg South
- Takalvan Street / Crofton Street, Takalvan St, Bundaberg West
- Burrum Street / Boreham Street, Burrum St, Bundaberg West (both sides of road)
- Welch Street / Park Street, Welch Street, Elliott Heads
- Elliott Heads Rd / Nixon Street, Elliott Heads Rd, Kepnock
- Takalvan Street / White Street, Takalvan St, Millbank
- Johnston Street / Warrell Street, Takalvan St, Millbank
These works are expected to be completed by 30 June, weather permitting.
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Please consider bus shelters for Maynard Street at the bus stop in the park near the railway line and at the bus stop in front of the Martin’s Oval.There is no protection from the rain ,heat or wind.Thank you.
Bus shelter at Anderson street needs repairs unable to see bus coming also to close to unit fence for our gardener to whippy snipping