Bundaberg Region residents and business owners are being encouraged to partner with police to help fight crime as part of the expansion of the Queensland Police Service’s Community Camera Alliance initiative.
Yesterday the initiative was launched in the Bundaberg and Maryborough areas.
Senior Constable Brittany Duncan said the CCA program invited locals to register their CCTV systems with police.
“If a registered system is in an area that may aid an investigation or help solve a crime; officers will reach out to the owner to ask if they can provide the footage,” she said.
“The initiative has been up and running in 15 policing districts and divisions across Queensland and has proven to be an extremely useful tool for police.
“Locating security cameras can be time consuming and resource intensive but is considered crucial, particularly in the case of serious investigations.”
Knowing the location of established CCTV systems within the community will maximise the efficiency of investigative resources and minimise the loss of potential evidence.
The program is completely voluntary, with registration information only accessible by police on our secure database, and those who do register can request to be removed from the system at any time.
Residents from Bundaberg and Maryborough Police Districts who wish to join the Community Camera Alliance program can register here.
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