Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service’s COVID-19 vaccination centres across the region are set to close mid-June.
The Bundaberg TAFE clinic will close on Friday, 17 June after playing a vital role in Wide Bay’s COVID-19 response since May last year.
WBHHS Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery and vaccination lead Fiona Sewell said the success of the clinics demonstrated how quickly WBHHS could respond to emerging situations.
“I’m incredibly proud of how quickly our team at WBHHS established these centres and the collaboration of many of our community members to ensure we had appropriate venues, promotion and support,” Ms Sewell said.
“We knew we were always going to reach a point where our clinics had served their purpose of providing the opportunity for people to get vaccinated, in a convenient location, and they’ve done that now.”
Ms Sewell said Wide Bay residents had also played a vital role in the local response by getting vaccinated to keep themselves and their community safe against the impacts of COVID-19.
“In just over 12 months, more than 99 per cent of Wide Bay residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and almost 97 per cent have received their second dose (aged 12+),” she said.
“There’s still time to come forward before 17 June, whether it be for your first, second or booster doses.
“Our Bundaberg clinic is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 8 am to 4 pm.”
Ms Sewell said many local organisations had also come on board to assist in the Covid response efforts.
“I also want to say a special thanks to all who partnered with us during our vaccination program – we could not have achieved what we have without their support,” she said.
“This includes our local regional councils, Queensland Police Service, PHN, TAFE Queensland, local media, and other local community organisations who allowed us to vaccinate from their venues.
“We also thank the community for their wonderful feedback, praising our vaccination teams for their professionalism, kindness and compassion in what was often a very busy environment.
“On behalf of our WBHHS executive team, board members and the broader community, I would like to pass on my sincere thanks for the success of these community clinics.”
You can find your nearest GP or pharmacy using the vaccine clinic finder with all four COVID-19 vaccines are available via GPs and pharmacies – Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Novavax.
You can also continue to call 134 COVID to help you find your nearest primary care provider.
You may also have the option of having your COVID-19 vaccine co-administered (that is, given on the same day) with an influenza vaccine by visiting a participating GP or pharmacy.
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