Passionate locals were given the opportunity to put the Bundaberg Region on the state agenda when Ministers and MPs held a Regional Community Forum in Bundaberg today.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said new membership for the forums in 2022 would continue the diversity of experience, ideas and interests in regional Queensland.
“Listening to communities is the hallmark of good government, and we work best when we work together,” the Premier said.
“Since 2019, our Regional Community Forums have helped to strengthen partnerships in rural and regional areas, collaborating on local solutions for local issues.
“The Wide Bay-Burnett-Fraser Coast forum includes representation from the region’s indigenous community, local government, health and education sectors, as well as agriculture, tourism and small business.
“I welcome all new and returning members and look forward to hearing about priorities and actions from the first round of forums for 2022.”
Mayor Jack Dempsey said he was thrilled to be part of the group which welcomed the Regional Community Forum to the region with Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs Leanne Linard part of the Ministerial team in attendance.
“It was great catching up with Minister Linard, local members from across the Wide Bay Tom Smith and Adrian Tantari, Directors-General of a number of state departments as well as community representatives from right across the region to set the vision for Bundaberg and the Wide Bay Burnett,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“We discussed a wide variety of topics and the social, economic and environmental opportunities for the region going forward.”
Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith and Member for Hervey Bay Adrian Tantari co-chaired the forum.
The agenda recapped and confirmed areas of interest and begin the development of a new region-specific action plan, guided by the priorities of forum members, and included a session on the recent Queensland Workforce Summit.
Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith said he was encouraged by the outcomes and achievements of the forums to date.
“While broadly responding to the economic challenges of COVID-19, forum members have established sub-groups on priority areas including mental health, housing, and agricultural apprenticeships,” Mr Smith said.
The Regional Community Forums are part of the Queensland Government’s Advancing Queensland’s Regions strategy, supported by the Office for Rural and Regional Queensland.
For more information about Advancing Queensland’s Regions, please visit https://campaigns.premiers.qld.gov.au/advancing-qld-regions/