The Daily Mail has highlighted the Bundaberg Region as a desirable destination to its more than 25 million Facebook followers.
Captioned ‘Forget about Sydney! This stunning Aussie town has it all’, the story is based on the region’s affordability and its growing job opportunities.
According to the Daily Mail report, there are various companies within the region offering six-figure salaries and more than 90 positions now available.
“Bundaberg, in Queensland’s Wide Bay region north of Brisbane, is experiencing a period of job growth after years of struggling with high unemployment rates,” the Daily Mail report reads.
“There are dozens of open positions across various industries, including manufacturing, accounting, healthcare, management and technology, paying upwards of $100,000.”
Bundaberg Tourism CEO Katherine Reid spoke to the Daily Mail for the story.
According to the organisation’s data the equivalent advertising value of the exposure for the region is valued at $US2,127,990.
Ms Reid said the region had it all – being accessible to the state’s capital, ideal climate, enviable tourism opportunities and housing affordability.
“Bundaberg has been incredibly well supported by Queenslanders over the past two years, with tourism demand higher than ever seen before,” Ms Reid said.
“A large number of the region’s tourism operators, including accommodation houses, tours and attractions, and hospitality venues have reported record visitor numbers and income since June 2020.
“In 2021, visitors to the Bundaberg destination tourism website grew over 60 per cent compared to 2019, while accommodation occupancy rates and demand both grew over 10 per cent.

“Another excellent indicator of the health of the region’s tourism industry is the demand for tickets for the popular Mon Repos Turtle Encounter, a ranger-led experience each summer at the largest rookery in the South Pacific of the endangered loggerhead turtle, located on the coastline of Bundaberg.
“Both the 2020/21 and the 2021/22 seasons were almost completely booked out within weeks of going on sale, and have had waitlists in the tens of thousands.”
Mayor Jack Dempsey also welcomed the exposure the Daily Mail story offered to the region.
“The secret is out that Bundaberg is the best place in the world to live, work and play,” Mayor Dempsey said.
“Daily Mail Australia has highlighted our liveability and lifestyle to its global audience, including 4.2 million Facebook followers in Australia and 21.5 million in UK!
“They’re a bit behind the times re housing affordability but it’s nice to see a positive story about our beautiful region.
“The massive audience gives a welcome boost to our tourism sector.
“I left a message on their Facebook pages that now they’ve given everyone the tip we’ll have to crank up our production of rum, gin and ginger beer.”
View the Daily Mail article in full here.
Reality check most who live here are on under $40k & houses that are >$400k are falling apart with repeat flood damage or infested with white ants. Houses that are above that much sit on the market for years with no sale because people who earn ~$100k+ do not want to live here. Same goes for those jobs they will sit untaken because people do not want to live here.
This town is actually dieing a death of a thousand cuts businesses are not thriving huge amounts of shops & offices are empty. Desperately needing the CBD rework, flood mitigation & the regional deal to not be a pipe dream but nothing is happening. Meanwhile the sheep will ignore the issues & everything will just get worse.
Turtles are always nilly booked out that is at least true the one ray of hope left.