Title: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Author: Gail Honeyman
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: 2017
Genre: Adult Fiction
Reviewer: Hayley Martell
Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine…kind of.
At least in her own mind she is fine.
In my mind, she was not fine. Not even a little bit.
She is a stickler for routine and she has had the same job for several years; she has the same lunchtime schedule: buys lunch and the newspaper which she reads cover to cover and completes the crossword.
On Wednesdays she chats with “mummy” for 10 minutes.
Weekends she finishes work on Friday, buys pizza, a bottle of wine and two big bottles of vodka and then she spends the days not drunk, not sober, waiting for Monday to return.
She never has any visitors, nor does she ever go anywhere although Eleanor is content with her life, and she IS fine!
I began this book and within the first few chapters I was wondering what was wrong with Eleanor.
I didn’t really like her character to begin with.
But as the story progressed and I learnt more about her, I began to adore her.
She is quirky (who isn’t?), funny and I think there’s a little bit of Eleanor in all of us.
Along with the funny side of this book, it also has its sad moments, where I felt really sorry for Eleanor.
I think fans of The Rosie Project would enjoy this full-of-heart read.
This book has been optioned for film and I can’t wait to see the movie adaptation.
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