Free fitness sessions are back next week and will have residents diving into pools and jumping into parks as part of Bundaberg Regional Council’s Be Active Be Alive program.
Now in its eleventh year, the annual program aims to make fitness fun and accessible to ever Bundaberg Region resident.
Commencing on Monday 24 January, Council Sport and Recreation portfolio spokesperson Cr Vince Habermann said the program featured eight weeks of free fitness fun right across the region.
“With a total of 50 pool sessions and 65 park sessions, plus the weekly Parkrun activities, across the two month long program there is something for everyone in Be Active Be Alive,” Cr Habermann said.
“Sessions are suited to adults of all ages and fitness levels with qualified trainers leading each session and able to customise routines to the participants’ abilities on the day.”
He said leading an active, healthy lifestyle was important and with the free fitness sessions underway soon, there was never a better time to start.
“The warm Bundaberg summer is a perfect excuse to head to the pool and enjoy the company of others looking to get fit and have fun,” Cr Habermann said.
“The pool program offers a variety of fitness activities undertaken by certified aqua instructors in our local swimming pools.
“The parks element of the program provides a long list of popular classes available to those who prefer to stay dry.
“Residents can improve strength and flexibility with Gentle Stretch, Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates and increase the intensity with cardio and strength classes, BoxFit and mSwing.”
The program will run until Saturday 19 March.
Find the full list of class times and locations in the program here.