Angels Community Group is asking residents to donate to their Back to School Assistance program to help children get ready for the start of the 2022 school year.
The program is run annually and provides a backpack full of school supplies to children of families who are doing it tough financially.
“This program is only possible thanks to our amazing community, we rely 100% on their donations,” Jasmine Tasker of Angels Community Group said.
“There is no government funding or big corporation behind us.”
So far, Jasmine said there were 250 registrations for the program but very few donations of school supplies had come in.
“With 250 local children registered for school backpacks and supplies and very little donations so far, we really need your help,” she said.
“We are handing the school supplies out this Friday and we still need to sort and pack the bags so we need all donations by Tuesday.
“Please donate if you have the means.”
From backpacks to lunchboxes, water bottles, USB sticks, exercise books, pencils and more, Jasmine said there were plenty of school items that could be donated.
“Each child will receive a school bag, lunch box, water bottle, pencil case full of supplies suited to their grade, exercise books and folders,” she said.
“Because we do backpacks from Prep to Grade 12, we need things like crayons for the younger kids but also biros for the older ones as well.”
To find out what you can donate, head to the Angels Community Group Facebook page here.
You can drop donations to 45a Walla Street Bundaberg or donate via the website
All school donations need to be received by Tuesday, 18 January.