The Department of Transport and Main Roads is undertaking detailed design activities to upgrade the Bruce Highway at the Buxton Road intersection, Isis River.
According to a TMR spokesperson the proposed project includes constructing a dedicated left and right-turn lanes on the highway at the Buxton Road intersection.
“This will improve safety by separating through and turning traffic, reducing the potential for rear-end crashes,” the spokesperson said.
“A service road adjacent to the highway to improve access to the BP service station and adjacent properties.
“The southern entrance to Aerodrome Road will be closed to improve safety.”
The spokesperson said the project would feature additional safety improvements such as road lighting and widening and strengthening the existing pavement.
“The proposed project will benefit the 8,144 vehicles that use this section of the highway each day, including improved safety and freight efficiency,” the spokesperson said.
“The $12.5 million jointly funded project forms part of the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program, with the Australian Government contributing $10 million and the Queensland Government contributing $2.5 million.
Detailed design activities are expected to be completed by mid-2022 and construction programmed following the finalisation of design.
Other roadwork news: Bruce Highway upgrades, rest area construction ahead
Well, you have just killed the fruit and veg business. It is too far to turn back for most people. Most truck drivers will no longer stop at the service station for the same reason, so you have now killed 2 businesses. As a Buxton Resident I do not feel any safer emerging from Buxton Road as there is no joining/merging lane for me to go to my closest town (turning right) or for me to “cross the road” to get to the service station. Supposedly the problem you are trying to fix! Now, if I am at the service station (or fruit shop) and want to go home to Buxton, I have to turn right onto the Highway with no merging lane, and the vision to my left (the lane I am turning in to) is impeded by a corner! If you are going to do that amount of work, why not merging/joining lanes on every corner! Better still, as you are already slowing traffic in this area, put in a 2 lane roundabout at the service station with a service road to the fruit shop. Roundabouts have been done twice already on the Bruce Highway that I know of. That way the 2 businesses will still get most of their traffic, it will become a formal 4 way intersection allowing better access for people in and out of Buxton Road and it will reduce high speed accidents at the intersection.
At this point in time I see that the trucks parking on the “footpath” of the service station as being the major impediment as it blocks the view for drivers trying to drive out. Stop them parking there and you have full, safe vision.