More than 40 bus stops throughout the Bundaberg Region are being upgraded thanks to a project partnership between Bundaberg Regional Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR).
The Bus Stop Shelter Program (BSSP) allows local councils to apply for funding to install bus stop shelters at approved locations across Queensland.
Bus stops eligible for funding must meet Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT) (2002) standards and be serviced by a TransLink or QConnect urban bus route, or a State Government regulated long distance coach service.
Bundaberg Regional Council Roads and Drainage portfolio spokesperson Cr Bill Trevor said bus stops in Bargara, Avenell Heights, Innes Park, Kepnock and other suburbs had already been completed as part of the program.
“There are 23 sites which have already been upgraded with a further 20 bus stops to be worked on by June 2022,” he said.
“Some of the site works not only include bus shelters, but there is also the opportunity for asphalt works, concrete works and footpath works around each of the bus stop sites.”
Cr Trevor said the project was a great initiative and an example of two tiers of government working together to provide a beneficial program for the community.
“This program is helping to keep the many bus stops around our region covered with shade, maintained and up to a safe standard for our community to enjoy,” he said.
Cr Trevor said when nominating bus stops for the program, Council considered a variety of factors including consultation with Translink, community feedback, passenger boarding numbers and frequency of services.
Consideration is also given to planned road upgrades, current physical environment, and the feasibility of installing a bus stop shelter.
Bus stops in the region recently completed as part of the program include:
- Woongarra Scenic Drive, Bargara
- Princess Street, Bundaberg East
- Bargara Road, Kalkie
- Totten Street, Kepnock
To find out more about the Bus Stop Shelter Program click here.
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