The Gin Gin community is advised that, while this year’s Ekka has been cancelled, the gazetted public holiday for the 4671 area will remain on Monday 9 August.
The State Government made the decision to cancel the 2021 Ekka as a result of the developing COVID situation in south-east Queensland and the state’s far north.
Council received confirmation yesterday from the State Government that the Ekka public holiday would be postponed.
Due to the short notice of this advice, and the fact that the August 9 public holiday for residents in the 4671 postcode has been gazetted by the Office of Industrial Relations, it was decided that the local public holiday will still go ahead.
Council’s Gin Gin service centre and depot will be operating, with staff in these locations observing the earlier Bundaberg Show Holiday.
Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace said the State Government has liaised with the affected local government areas to determine if they will go ahead with their planned show holidays next week.
The Scenic Rim and Moreton Bay Regional Councils requested to move their show holiday, with all remaining Councils opting not to change.
“These councils are best placed to know what will and won’t work for their communities and I thank them for their co-operation again this year,” the Minister said.
“I would also like to commend the RNA and those that had already arrived for the Ekka for understanding that health and safety is paramount during this current Covid-19 outbreak.
“I will miss the Ekka again this year and I know tens of thousands of Queenslanders feel the same. I look forward to the Ekka returning bigger and better in 2022.”