RSPCA Bundaberg is calling for animal lovers with some room to spare to sign up for their volunteer foster care program.
The initiative aims to give animals who are not yet ready for adoption a safe place to live and become humanised before finding their forever family.
Foster carers are needed for large dogs, kittens, puppies, mums and kittens and protective custody animals.
RSPCA Bundaberg volunteer Janette Moreton has been fostering kittens for five years and said she loved her role in getting each animal ready to find a forever home.
“I have cared for well over 100 kittens in that time,” she said.
“They have ranged from just a couple of weeks old and needing to be bottle fed, to about six weeks old and needing to be humanised.”
Janette said the most important part of foster care work was making sure the animals were part of the family.
“My kittens have their own room and I try to hold them and spend time with them as much as possible,” she said.

“The aim is to get them used to humans so that they can be successfully adopted.”
Janette said as an animal person, she loved everything about the foster care experience.
“I absolutely love animals, it’s like having babies- you watch them go through the various stages of growth,” she said.
“At first I thought that I might find it hard to let them go when their time with me was up but in fact, it’s been easy knowing that they all have fantastic, loving homes to go to.”
Janette said she had a few tips for those looking to get involved in the RSPCA Bundaberg Foster Network.
“Be prepared for the hard times and enjoy the good times,” she said.
“Involve the animals in your life and incorporate them into your family as much as possible.”
More information about the RSPCA Bundaberg Foster Network can be found here.
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