Construction will soon be underway in earnest on the new Back Windermere and Innes Park Roads roundabout with the intersection closed to motorists from Tuesday.
The roundabout construction is part of the wider North South Coast Distributor project, which included the extension of Hughes Road.
“We have progressively been working towards greater connectivity for our coastal communities from Elliott Heads to Burnett Heads,” Cr McLoughlin said.
“The Back Windermere and Innes Park Roads roundabout is another piece of the puzzle in delivering this outcome.”
Minor works have been occurring for a number of months to prepare the site, with Council’s civil works team now preparing to construct the roundabout.
To facilitate the construction, the intersection will remain closed to traffic until 30 June 2021, weather permitting.
Bundaberg Regional Council divisional representative Cr Tanya McLoughlin said while Council understood that road closures did cause some inconvenience, it would allow for the work to be undertaken in an efficient and safe manner.
“Residents have been directly notified about alternate routes to use throughout the intersection closure period,” Cr McLoughlin said.
“This includes directing traffic through Cockerills Road to access Back Windermere Road and Barolin Homestead Road to access Elliott Heads Road.
While the intersection is closed detours will be in place including directing traffic through Cockerills Road to access Back Windermere Road. While the intersection is closed detours will be in place including directing traffic through Barolin Homestead Road to access Elliott Heads Road.
“I understand this may add a few extra minutes to your daily commute and I’d like to thank residents in advance for their patience and understanding while these essential works are carried out.
“While there will be some short term inconvenience, in the long term we will deliver a safer intersection for the community.”
Work on the Back Windermere and Innes Park Roads roundabout will take place on weekdays between 6 am and 6 pm.
Construction is anticipated to take about four months to complete, subject to weather conditions.
The North South Coast Distributor – Back Windermere Project is a joint initiative of Bundaberg Regional Council and the Queensland Government.
We live at Bargara and used Back Windermere Road to get to Tina Berries each Saturday.
We are not Innes Park residents so there has been NO direct contact for us as residents.
There is a highway sign that has 3 screens that do not refresh or progress long enough to read the info whilst driving. Stopping to read at the difficult intersection would be hazardous.
When we learned all the details we were gob smacked to learn that the roundabout will take 3 months to built (March to June). The Chinese built a full new Covert 19 hospital in Wuhan in 3 weeks. Maybe they could build our new roundabout substantially quicker
The road closure effects the wider community, especially those at Elliot Heads, who largely shop at Bargara WW or Aldi and who could more easily use the newly constructed Logan Road to the CC bakery through Coral Cove past the golf course to Elliot Heads Road. I know we will.
Sorry to reply to my own post. I have passed Cockerills Road many times in the 11 years I have lived in Bargara but have never been down it.
This morning I drove down the suggested detour Cotterills Road route to avoid the new Roundabout’s construction for 4 months.
Don’t do it !!! or take enough food with you for 4 months 🙂 Cotterills Road is a “No Through Road” and includes signs, barriers and a section of stoney dirt.
I suggest you use Poinciana Drive instead to get onto Logan Road.