While visitors to the Moore Park Beach Community Centre all appreciate the colour and variety in the gardens, they may not realise the hard work that has gone into it.
Community Centre coordinator Silvia Abel said the transformation has been breathtaking.
“I have been involved with the Community Centre for nine years and when I first started the gardens were overgrown and unloved,” Silvia said.
“Five years ago Ray joined us as a volunteer and he has been amazing.”
Ray, along with Council staff Jason and Jacob from parks and gardens who look after the public spaces at Moore Park Beach, have developed the Community Centre gardens together over the past three years.

“Ray had a plan to make the gardens easy to look after for any new volunteers and he has certainly achieved that,” Silvia said.
“Everyone who works on the gardens now loves it, as they are such a joy to be around.”
One of the important changes has been growing waterwise plants.
Clever planting and landscaping have also played a big part in the garden’s success.
“The garden in front of the hall has been opened up so people can see the front of the hall.”
When asked what she loves about the gardens, Silvia’s answer was simple, but emphatic.
“Everything,” she said.
With the Moore Park Beach Community Centre being used every day by a variety of groups and classes, the joy is certainly spreading.

If you have a favourite garden you would like featured in our weekly In our Garden segment email communications@bundaberg.qld.gov.au.
- Last week’s In Our Garden.