IWC Pharmacy director and pharmacist Tim Spargo hates waste, which is why he’s offering free flu vaccines.
He’s concerned about the waste of precious flu vaccines, not only at his pharmacy but possibly at others around the region.
“IWC Pharmacy is the registered supplier for vaccines for emergency services, so I ordered 200 flu vaccines in October last year,” Tim said.
“They lasted four days, so I ordered another 200 and they lasted eight days.
“I then ordered another 200 vaccines, which I thought would get me through the peak time.
“People obviously heeded the call to get in early, because demand has dropped off.
“I’d hate to throw them out at the end of this year, which I will need to do if they aren’t used, as a new batch of flu vaccines are released each year.”
Tim has decided to release the flu vaccines free of charge, to those who haven’t been able to already get vaccinated.
“People who haven’t had a flu vaccine yet can come into the IWC Pharmacy, which is open from 8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
“There’s no charge for the vaccination and no need to book,” he said.
“We also offer a drive-through service at the pharmacy.
“People can phone first, on 4199 7676, and we can meet them at the front entrance of the main IWC Building, with an eftpos machine and their delivery.”
The pharmacy will celebrate its second anniversary this month.
“We’re open to everyone and pride ourselves on being locally owned and giving quality service and value,” Tim said.
You can keep up to the date on their Facebook page.