Chinese Gardens a delight at this time of year


In the 12 years since the Chinese Gardens were established at the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Sister City Agreement between Bundaberg and Nanning in China, it has become a haven for flora and fauna.

Area supervisor at the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens, Cody Johnson, has been involved since the initial scoping stage and said it was great to see how it’s developed.

“I always like pointing out the species selection and the fact that Nanning has similar climatic conditions to us,” he said.

“We have had officials from Nanning here over the years and they enjoy seeing a mix of Australian natives and Chinese species used in the Chinese themed gardens.

“Local people love coming here too and remark on the beautiful gardens.

“There are a number of species in flower at this time of year including Arabian jasmine, coastal rosemary, sapphire blue, which are stunning.

“The Mexican Cardboard Cycad cones are ripe and have opened, which are quite spectacular.”

Chinese Gardens
Cody Johnson at the Chinese Gardens.

Cody said work being undertaken near the Chinese Gardens would help connect this important space to the newly planted endangered macadamia species (Macadamia jansennii) near Thornhill Crescent and the Woodworkers Guild, allowing visitors to walk easily between these areas.

“We are creating a creek next to the Chinese Gardens and are realigning the creek height which has not been adjusted accurately since the 2013 floods,” he said.

“Staff and contractors have been checking heights as they work away from the Chinese area, which will allow for this creek to remain filled with water, adding to the aesthetics of the Chinese Gardens.

“The creek works will also incorporate a bridge on the Northern side of the Chinese Gardens which will connect the footpath network from Thornhill Street through to our newly refurbished woodworks area.”

Council’s Parks and Gardens portfolio spokesperson, Cr Wayne Honor, said the gardens had become even more important in recent times.

“Once people could get out and about once COVID restrictions eased we have seen an increase in visitor numbers to the gardens,” he said.

“It’s a reflective, peaceful, contemplative space and good to be outside surrounded by nature.

“You can attend alone or if you need company you can safely social distance.”

Chinese Gardens
Enya Xu at the Chinese Gardens.

Enya Xu, who has been visiting the Chinese Gardens since their inception, said they have special significance.

“The Chinese people really love the gardens because, for us, it mainly represents a harmony and a sort of balance between nature and culture.

“We have the human touch, but we want to keep what originally belongs to nature.”

To find out more about the Chinese Gardens and other features at the Bundaberg Botanic Gardens visit the website.