A public meeting will be held in Bundaberg on Friday to discuss the Paradise Dam Class Action.
Queen’s Counsel assisting the action, Douglas Campbell, will meet with affected growers and small business owners.
Local agribusiness lawyer, Tom Marland, announced last month that growers in the Bundaberg Region have engaged his legal team to launch a class action against the Queensland Government over the mismanagement of Paradise Dam.

Mr Campbell QC has handled several high-profile class actions and is considered to be one of the most experienced class action barristers in Australia.
He said he’s disappointed in the handling of this matter by the State Government.
“I believe there is a case to answer,” Mr Campbell said.
“The community of Bundaberg deserve the opportunity to hold the Government to account for the decision to lower the wall of Paradise Dam.
“The Government has discussed safety matters surrounding the dam but refuses to engage in the very real issue of long-term water security, economic prosperity and jobs for this region.
“I really feel for the people of Bundaberg. They’re now facing major uncertainty regarding the region’s main wealth-generating asset and it really doesn’t bode well for the future local economy.”
Bundaberg Chamber of Commerce president Tim Sayre will also speak at the public meeting.
Mr Sayre said he’s concerned about the future flow-on impact to local businesses in Bundaberg if Paradise Dam continues to be lowered.
“If Paradise Dam is permanently lowered, we have real concerns regarding our region’s economy, and know it will be our businesses community that will bear the brunt of any economic downturn,” he said.
“This is an issue that impacts our entire community and we stand with farmers, holding the Government to account over their decision.
“Regional communities like ours need all the support they can get right now. We certainly don’t need Government decisions which stifle the growth of the region’s economy and job market.”
Bundaberg Region Mayor Jack Dempsey said it’s critical for the region’s economic prosperity to retain the capacity of Paradise Dam for current and future water users.
“Safety is paramount but the Government must repair the dam wall and reinstate water that’s been lost to Bundaberg Region growers,” he said.
The public meeting will be held at 2pm on Friday, 14 of August at the Brothers Club. All community members are welcome. To RSVP send an email to paradise@marlandlaw.com.au