RACQ LifeFlight Rescue has come up with a novel way to fundraise this year – and help keep people fit.
“Run to Rescue came about when our fundraising team was going through a tough time losing third party events due to COVID-19,” said RACQ LifeFlight Rescue Community Engagement Coordinator Steph McKenzie.
“I wanted to do an online virtual run and after some ideas were passed around we came up with the decision to hold a peer-to-peer virtual fundraiser, being Run To Rescue.
“Participants register and can then start asking friends and family for donations, even if it’s the smallest amount.
“It’s a difficult time for everyone but even $5 helps!”
From there, participants can log kilometres from their run, walk or ride, right throughout July.
“The aim is to help participants reach their personal fitness goal, as well as help us reach the combined 20,000km we are hoping to achieve, as a whole.”
“All funds raised during Run To Rescue will go towards keeping our choppers, across Queensland, rescue ready.
“Each life-saving mission costs more than $12,500 so, by signing up, participants will help us fly in July!”
The fundraising goal for Run To Rescue is $100,000 for Queensland, with a goal of 200 participants in the Bundaberg region.
“We are almost halfway there, and if our community can band together and register teams with work mates, or friends, we can easily reach that participant number.
“Fundraising with friends can be so much fun!
“We’d love to see the whole Wide Bay Burnett community support their local rescue chopper service.”
To sign up for Run to Rescue visit the website www.runtorescue.org.au.
“It’s a really easy process and even easier to share with your networks,” Steph said.
“If you don’t think the Run To Rescue is for you, but would still like to support our cause, head to the website and you can choose to donate to someone’s team.
“There are plenty of familiar names and faces for Bundy locals to get behind!”
Each year, the Bundaberg RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopter completes more than 300 missions.
Airlifts come at no cost to the patient and crews are on-the-clock all night and day, 365 days a year.
“We know times are tough, but every little bit helps, to keep our crews flying to save lives,” Steph said.
To keep up to date with Run to Rescue and the RACQ LifeFlight Rescue Bundaberg join their Facebook page.